Easy recipe for cucumbers in cream sauce.

Cucumbers are a produce that lends itself to many raw and cooked preparations. Cooked, cucumbers are softly textured and subtly flavored, which marries extremely well with heartier ingredients like lardons. This cooked cucumber recipe with lardons is one of those simple, comforting recipes that go absolutely perfectly with a piece of grilled meat or an omelette. Infused with smokiness and tender to the verge of melting, this dish will make your taste buds elated and spell out the warmth of the friendliest ambiance.


Little Market

8/5/20244 min read

Une assiette de concombres avec un bol de crème
Une assiette de concombres avec un bol de crème

Creamed cucumbers

Here are the ingredients you need to make creamed cucumbers :

  • 4 cucumbers (about 800g)

  • 200ml double cream

  • 30g butter

  • 1 onion

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

  • salt and pepper

Preparing the cucumbers

Wash the cucumbers well in cold running water. Peel them partially, so that there are strips of skin on the cucumber for a more decorative appearance. Then slice them about 1 cm thick.

Bring a pan of water to a boil. Dip the slices of cucumber into the water for 5 to 7 minutes, or until they become a bit soft but still hard. Drain carefully and let aside.

This step is not only to soften their texture but also to help develop the flavor of the cucumbers. That way, once briefly cooked in boiling water, they will not crunch too much in your final cooking.

Finely chop the onion and crush the garlic cloves. In a frying pan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic; then sauté for 2 to 3 minutes until soft and fragrant.

Cooking the cucumbers

Add the drained cucumber slices to the pan. Sauté over medium heat for 5 to 7 minutes, stirring regularly, until they start browning slightly.

Pour in double cream. Mix well for the cucumbers to be well coated. Season generously with salt and pepper to taste.

Continue cooking on low heat for a further 10-15 minutes, stirring regularly, until the cucumbers have melted and cream has reduced to form a smooth sauce.

Throughout cooking, one needs to be careful to keep an eye on the dish in case it may need adjustment in heat so that it does not burn the cucumbers. The cucumbers should be soft but not melt.

You can add some chopped parsley in the middle of cooking to give your dish a fresh green look. This will also supply flavor enhancement to the entire dish.

Presentation and serving

Once cooked, transfer the creamed cucumbers to a serving dish. You can sprinkle them with a little extra chopped parsley for an even more appetising presentation.

This dish is best served hot, with grilled meat, fish, poached eggs or a green salad. Its smooth, melt-in-the-mouth flavours make it an excellent seasonal dish, perfect for warming bodies and hearts on chilly autumn or winter evenings.

Don't hesitate to prepare this dish in large quantities, as the leftovers keep very well in the fridge for 3 to 4 days. You can reheat them quickly to make a tasty garnish for your meals.

Variations and suggestions

This recipe for cucumbers in cream sauce can be enhanced with the following variations and suggestions:

Add diced ripe tomatoes for a fresher, more summery version.

Replace the crème fraîche with faisselle (fromage blanc) or fromage frais-type ricotta for an even creamier texture.

Sprinkle with cashew nuts or toasted flaked almonds for a crunchy touch.

Add a few fresh herbs, such as thyme, rosemary or dill, for a little aromatic freshness.

Add a little nutmeg or curry powder for a spicy touch.

Hot cucumbers in cream sauce on a bed of basmati rice or quinoa blend in a little better with the dish.

Chives or tarragon can be used instead of parsley for added freshness.

The cucumbers can be placed under the grill for a few minutes and lightly grilled to obtain an almost caramelised appearance.

You can also have some play with textures by using a mix of raw and cooked cucumbers. For instance, make a warm cucumber salad where raw slices add nice crunch, and the cream-cooked cucumbers will tenderize it and give it melt-in-your-mouth texture.

Nutritional value: Cucumbers are very hydrating, with a high water content. They also contain fiber; health-promoting vitamins such as C, K, and B1; and minerals like potassium and magnesium. Crème fraîche adds fats to the nutritional balance of the dish.

So you can serve these cucumbers in cream sauce with a completely clear conscience; just be sure to moderate it if you are on a low-calorie or low-saturated-fat diet.

Tips and tricks

Here are some more tips and tricks to improve your recipe for cucumbers in cream sauce:

Choosing cucumbers

Choose firm, green, medium-sized cucumbers. Avoid cucumbers that are too big or too ripe, as they may be too watery and lose their texture when cooked. You can also use small cucumbers, such as gherkins, to obtain smaller, cuter units.

Cooking cucumbers

They should still have a melt-in-the-mouth texture but aren't completely melted. That means you need to first sauté them on high heat to get a good sear on them, then lower the heat to cook more slowly and gently. You can also throw a cover on the pan for part of the cooking time to accelerate the tenderness of the cucumbers.

The cucumbers in cream sauce can even be presented better if you line them up in a shallow dish or on a bed of green salad. This will highlight them at their best and ensure they go attractively with your meals.

The cream adjustment.

If you find the cream sauce a little too thin, you can bind it a bit with another tablespoon of flour or cornflour. Add toward the end of the cooking time, sprinkling over the cucumbers lightly, and then have a good stir. Then let it just simmer for a few minutes to allow the sauce to thicken.

On the other hand, if it's too thick, don't be afraid to thin it with a bit of crème fraîche or milk; season accordingly.

Storage and Reheating

Leftovers of cucumbers with sour cream sauce keep perfectly well in an airtight tin in the fridge for 3 to 4 days. Just warm them up in a frying pan or microwave for a few minutes. They will go soft if overcooked.

If you enjoyed this post. Not to forget the one on cucumbers: Click here

Little Market